Sunday, November 22, 2009

Smartfish Takes New Angle With Portable Mouse

The new Smartfish ErgoMotion Mouse is a fairly standard mouse, except that it allows the mouse to tilt at an angle in any given direction as you move.

The ErgoMotion Mouse contains, as far as buttons go, a pretty normal set. There are large right and left click buttons and a scroll wheel. The wireless laser mouse uses a small USB wireless dongle as well. But where the ErgoMotion sets itself apart is the fact that it is essentially a mouse on a raised platform, allowing the mouse to tilt and pivot in the direction you're trying to move it as you do. This supposedly results in a more natural motion for your arm and reduces the likelihood of a RSI (repetitive stress injury), though it is likely it would take some getting used to for those more accustomed to traditional mice.

The ErgoMotion mouse is available today for $50.

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